I am Dr. Shameem Ahmed. I am an Associate Professor at the Computer Science department at Western Washington University. I am the co-founder and co-director of the NEAT (Next Generation Effective Affective Technology) research group, an inter-disciplinary research group at Western Washington University. My research interests are: Technology for Neurodivergent Individuals, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD).
Recent News
- (2024) Alhamdulillah! Two full papers accepted at IEEE COMPSAC 2024.
- (2024) Congratulations to Dr. Sharmin, the co-director of NEAT Research lab, for receiving the Arlan Norman Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Mentoring .
- (2023) Congratulations to Adrian Heffelman, a NEAT research lab member, to receive Kohlmeier Mikulencak Summer Research Award .
- (2023) Alhamdulillah! I've been extremely moved by the gesture my students of the Database (CSCI 330) course (noon section) showed toward my teaching. They gave me a card on the last day of class (June 2, 2023), where they signed their names along with nice words. It is one of the best moments of my teaching career. Alhamdulillah! [Card]
- (2023) Congratulations to our research student (Sam Dobesh) for receiving the highly prestigious WWU CS Outstanding Graduate Student award (2022-2023). Only one student per year is selected for this award from WWU CS graduate program.
- (2023) Congratulations to our former research student (Kurt Price) for receiving the highly prestigious WWU CS Alumni (2022-2023) award. Each year, only one CS, WWU alumnus is selected for this honor.
- (2023) Alhamdulillah! A full paper accepted at IEEE COMPSAC 2023.
- (2023) Congratulations to Sam Dobesh and Ho Ching Lam for completing their MS degrees in Winter of 2023.
- (2023) Alhamdulillah! Presented our paper at iConference 2023.

- Email: [ahmeds] at [wwu].[edu]
- Mail: Department of Computer Science (CF 491)
Western Washington University
Bellingham, Washington, USA