Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
Western Washington University
Office: Communications Facility 471
I am also one of the Computer Science department's Community Ambassadors. In this capacity, I hold one weekly office hour and I am also available by email and by appointment:
The goal of my research is to develop computer vision, machine learning, and graphics techniques to understand, analyze, and visualize how the world changes over time. Much of the current work in my research group focuses on two ongoing lines of work:
I am always looking for motivated students to get involved in my research. If you are a current WWU undergraduate or MS student interested in working with me, send me email or stop by my office.
Michael Kenwick, Junghyun Lim, Skyler Crane, Scott Wehrwein, and Beth A. Simmons
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2025
Official Publication Paper (1.6 MB PDF) Replication Data (Harvard Dataverse) Code (Github)
Pax Newman, Tyanin Opdahl, Yudong Liu, Scott Wehrwein, Yasmine N. Elglaly
Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) 2024
Trevor Ortega, Thomas Nelson, Skyler Crane, Josh Myers-Dean, and Scott Wehrwein
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023
Project Page Paper (5.1 MB PDF) Code (Github) Supplemental Material
Melissa Swift, Wyatt Ayers, Sophie Pallanck, and Scott Wehrwein
IEEE VIS (Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics) 2022
Kyle Wilson and Scott Wehrwein
International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) 2020
Scott Wehrwein, Kavita Bala, and Noah Snavely
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (April 2021)
Josh Myers-Dean, Scott Wehrwein
NTIRE 2020 CVPR Workshop (Oral Presentation)
Scott Wehrwein, Rick Szeliski
BMVC 2017 (Spotlight Presentation)
Project Page Paper (18MB PDF) Supplemental (166KB PDF) Code (github)
Scott Wehrwein, Kavita Bala, Noah Snavely
3DV 2015 (Oral Presentation)
Daniel Hauagge, Scott Wehrwein, Kavita Bala, Noah Snavely
PAMI 2015 (Special Issue), CVPR 2013 (Oral Presentation)
Daniel Hauagge, Scott Wehrwein, Paul Upchurch, Kavita Bala, Noah Snavely
BMVC 2014
Daniel J. Townsend, Phillip K. Poon, Scott Wehrwein, Tariq Osman, Adrian V. Mariano, Esteban. M. Vera, Michael. D. Stenner, and Michael. E. Gehm
Optics Express 2012