Lecture $2^5$ - Evaluating Classifiers



Binary Classification

This is trickier than regression, and the reason is that most intuitive metrics can be gamed using a well-chosen baseline.

Simplest metric - accuracy: on what % of the examples were you correct?

There are different kinds of right and wrong:

Exercise: let TP be the number of true positives, and so on for the other three. Define accuracy in terms of these quantities.

Accuracy = $\frac{TP + TN}{TP + TN + FP + FN}$

Exercise: Game this metric. Hint: suppose the classes are unbalanced (95% no-tumor, 5% tumor).

Okay, what's really important is how often you're right when you say it's positive:

Exercise: define a metric that captures this.

Precision = $\frac{TP}{TP + FP}$

Anything wrong with this? Hint: there is cancer involved.

Okay, what's really important is how often you miss a real case of cancer.

the fraction of real cancer cases that you correctly identify.

Exercise: define a metric that captures this.

Recall = $\frac{TP}{(TP + FN)}$

Exercise: Game this metric.

Can't we just have one number? Sort of. Here's one that's hard to game:

F-score $= 2 *\frac{\textrm{precision } * \textrm{ recall}}{\textrm{precision } + \textrm{ recall}}$

Tuning a Binary Classifier

Sometimes your classifier will have a built-in threshold that you can tune. The simplest example is a simple threshold classifier that says "positive" if a single input feature exceeds some value, and negative otherwise.

Consider trying to predict sex (Male or Female) given height:

If you move the line left or right, you can trade off between error types (FP and FN).

The possibilities in this space of trade-offs can be summarized by plotting FP vs TP:

Edited to add:


Multi-Class Classification

Usually, a multiclass classifier will output a score or probability for each class; the prediction will then be the one with the highest score or probability.


The full details can be represented using a confusion matrix: