Given a set of data $X$ and (possibly) labels $y$ (i.e., quantities to predict), model either $P(y | x)$ or $P(x, y)$.
Recall: If you know $P(x, y)$, you can compute $P(y | x)$:
$$P(y | x) = \frac{P(x, y)}{P(x)}$$and $$P(x) = \sum_i P(x,y_i)$$
Machine learning only works on vectors. If you have something else (text, images, penguins, bananas), you'll need to convert them to vectors first.
These vectors are called feature vectors; each dimension is an individual feature; in this course we've been calling these columns.
The process of going from things to feature vectors is called feature extraction.
Observation: vectors can only contain numbers, so categorical columns usually need to be either dropped or converted to numbers somehow.
We'll assume that we have a collection of a bunch of feature vectors (we've been calling it a table), one for each datapoint. This is our dataset.
A collection of vectors can be packaged into a matrix. The traditional way to do this is to call it $X$ and arrange the dimensions it like we're used to with our tables, so $X_{n \times d}$ contains $n$ rows, each of which is a $d$-dimensional feature vector for a datapoint.
Sometimes, we also have values for some quantity we'd like to predict, one value per datapoint in our dataset. These are called labels, and traditionally written $\mathbf{y}_{n \times 1}$, so $y_i$ is the label for the $i$th row of $X$.
Note: The word "label" may connote that it is categorical, but this is not necessarily true.
Given $X$:
Given $X$ and $\mathbf{y}$:
We generally go about this by training (i.e., fitting) a model to our dataset $X$.
Exercise: You are given a collection of images. Some of them contain cats and some do not, and you have a column in a dataframe that tells you which are which. Without going into specifics of how the steps are accomplished, tell me a story about how you can use machine learning to automatically predict whether an image has a cat or not. Your story should use the following words:
Supervised Learning, by example:
Key property: a dataset $X$ with corresponding "ground truth" labels $\mathbf{y}$ is available, and we want be able to to predict a $y$ given a new $\mathbf{x}$.
Unsupervised Learning, by example:
Key property: you aren't given "the right answer" - you're looking to discover structure in the data.
For the moment, let's focus on supervised classification for the moment. In this case, $\mathbf{x}$ is a vector and $y$ is a discrete label indicating one of a set of categories or classes.
Discriminative models try to estimate $P(y | \mathbf{x})$. If you know this, then pick the most likely label, i.e., the $y$ that maximizes $P(y | \mathbf{x})$, and that's your predicted label for $\mathbf{x}$.
Generative models try to estimate $P(\mathbf{x})$ (if there are no labels $y$), or $P(x, y)$ if labels exist.
Note: it's easy to conclude that classification and discriminative are the same thing; they're not! Classifiers are often discriminative, but not always. How does that work?
Consider two schemes for classifying penguin species given their bill length and depth.
Exercise: Which of these is generative and which is discriminative?
Automatically detecting outlier images - like lab 4, except fully automatic.
Using linear regression (i.e., a best-fit line) to predict home value based on square feet.
Finding "communities" of people who frequently interact with each other on a social network.
Generally: unseen data is drawn from the same distrubtion as your dataset.
Consequence: We don't assume correlation is causation, but we do assume that observed correlations will hold in unseen data.
Specific models: many more! Example:
Linear regression assumes: