CSCI 480/580 Lecture 7 - In-Class Problems

  1. Given a frame e, u, v, w, and the \(u,v\) coordinates of pixel \((i,j)\), give the viewing ray for pixel \((i,j)\). Your answer should be given in terms of e, u, v, w, \(u\), and \(v\).
  2. In lecture we saw how to create camera basis vectors u, v, w given an eye position, view direction, and up vector. Repeat this calculation, except instead of a view direction vector you’re given a 3D point at that the camera is looking directly towards.
  3. The “view volume” associated with a projection is the volume of 3D space that projects onto the image plane/viewport. Describe (informally) the shape of the view volume for an orthographic camera and a perspective camera.