Lecture 13¶
- Homework self-reflections - scores are recorded in the homework category
- Thanks for your thoughtful answers; seems like things are going well overall.
- P3 is out! It's due in a week, but it's pretty short.
- Pairs required for this one; find a partner during the break today!
- Create your team and accept the GH classroom invite by class on Thursday.
- (576) G2!
- Understand and be prepared to implement the plane sweep stereo algorithm.
- Know how to represent lines in projective space.
- Understand how to determine interactions between points and lines in projective space:
- How to check whether a point lies on a line
- How to calculate the line through two points
- How to calculate the intersection of two lines
import random
random.choice(("2", "3"))
# boilerplate setup
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
import os
import sys
src_path = os.path.abspath("../src")
if (src_path not in sys.path):
sys.path.insert(0, src_path)
# Library imports
import numpy as np
import imageio.v3 as imageio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import skimage as skim
import cv2
# codebase imports
import util
import filtering
import features
import geometry
Plane Sweep Stereo¶
Rectified stereo: requires a very particular camera setup.
What if they're not?
Two ways around this:
- Rectify images so they appear as if the cameras were rectified.
- Plane sweep stereo: Use camera matrices (intrinsics and extrinsics) to reason about depth directly.
Today we're focusing on plane sweep stereo. The setting:
- Cameras are not rectified, but
- They are calibrated, meaning we know:
- KL, KR, the intrinsics of the left and right cameras.
- [R;t]L [R;t]R, the extrinsics of the left and right cameras. Note that:
- These are written as 3x4 matrices, with R3×3 augmented with t3×1.
- These are the matrices that go from world to camera; these are the inverses of the cameras' coordinate frame matrices.
Our standard stereo algorithm was:
for i, j in pixels:
for d in disparities:
compute a cost
The Plane sweep stereo algorithm swaps the outer loops:
for d in disparities:
for i, j in pixels:
compute a cost
The basic idea is to start with one camera, and:
- "Unproject" each pixel to a hypothesized depth d.
- "Reproject" the corresponding 3D points back into the other camera.
- Compute a match score.
HW #1-2¶
Assume the following are known:
- intrinsics (KL,KR)
- extrinsics ([R|t]L,[R|t]R)
Note that here, we're representing the extrinsics as a 3×4 augmented matrix [R|t]. This is the world-to-camera matrix with the projection built in, such that xcam3×1=[R|t]3×4xworld4×1
#2: Given a 3D point xw,yw,zw, write an expression for the pixel coordinates xRimg,yRimg of that point in the right camera.
#1: Given a pixel coordinate xLimg,yRimg in the left camera, give an expression for the 3D point at a hypothesized depth d that would have projected to that pixel location in the left camera.
The Algorithm¶
You could imagine doing this for every pixel, but it would be pretty expensive. However, we can make a key observation:
The "unproject-reproject" transformation is a homography!
We could calculate it directly from the camera matrices (for a given depth) but we'll use a slightly different approach:
- Unproject the four corners of the left camera's image
- Reproject the corners onto the right camera's image
- Fit a homography Hd from the four correspondences generated in (1-2)
- Warp the left image using H
- Compute NCC matching cost on the entire pair of images at once!
- notice that this now is back to looking like a "sliding window" cross-correlation
Projective Geometry 1: Points and Lines¶
Leading up to the topic of epipolar geometry, which describes the geometric relationships between two or more cameras, we're going to start with some fundamentals regarding points and lines in projective space (P2).
The notes have more detail on the following, but here's the plan:
Homogeneous points¶
Review, and recall their interpretation as vectors / rays in R3.
Homogeneous lines¶
- Points (0D objects) in P2 can be interpreted as rays (1D objects) through the origin in R3.
- Lines (1D objects) in P2 can be interpreted as planes (2D objects) through the origin in R3!
After projection back onto the w=1 plane, a plane looks like a line!
We represent these in homogeneous coordinates also using 3-vectors ℓ=[a,b,c] that represent the plane normal in 3D. After projection, this corresponds to the 2D line equation ax+by+c=0.
HW #3-4¶
Give the slope-intercept form of the line represented by homogeneous coordinates [1, 1, 0].
Give the homogeneous coordinates of the line y=−2x+400.
line_4 = [2, 1, -400]
a, b, c = line_4
x, y = np.mgrid[:300, :300]
#plt.imshow(a*x + b*y + c)
plt.imshow(a*x + b*y + c > 0)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fe437a169d0>
Points on Lines; Lines through Points¶
The condition for whether a point p lies on a line ℓ, or equivalently that a line ℓ goes through a point p, is, elegantly: p⋅ℓ=0
HW #5: Show this algebraically¶
- Recall that a homogeneous point p=[x,y,w] represents the 2D coordinates (x/w,y/w), while a line ℓ=[a,b,c] represents the 2D line ax+by+c=0. Show algebraically that a line ℓ=[a,b,c] goes through a point p=[x,y,z] if and only if their dot product is zero.
Point-Line Duality¶
The line that passes through two points (2D) is the plane spanned by their two normal vectors (3D).
You can compute this with the cross product!
See geometry.py
for an implementation of the cross product.
HW #6¶
- Use the cross product (not the tedious algebra approach!) to find the homogeneous representation of the line that goes through (70, 70) and (0, 40). Feel free to use software for this one; an implementation of
is ingeometry.py
in the lecture repo.
# TODO line_6 = ...
line_6 = geometry.cross([70, 70, 1], [0, 40, 1])
a, b, c = line_6
x, y = np.mgrid[:300, :300]
#plt.imshow(a*x + b*y + c)
plt.imshow(a*x + b*y + c > 0)
array([ 30, -70, 2800])
The point at the intersection of two lines (2D) is the vector that lies within both planes (3D).
In other words, it's a vector orthogonal to both plane normals.
You can also compute this with the cross product!
HW #7¶
Find the intersection point of the two lines from #4 and #6.
intersection = geometry.cross(line_4, line_6)
intersection = intersection / intersection[2]
a1, b1, c1 = line_4
a2, b2, c2 = line_6
plt.imshow(np.abs((a1*x + b1*y + c1) * (a2*x + b2*y + c2)) < 10)
array([148.23529412, 103.52941176, 1. ])