Lecture 10¶
- Midterm exam Thursday!
- Covers material through last week
- You can bring one double-sided 8.5x11" sheet of hand-written notes
- Designed to take ~1hr but you have the whole class period if you need it.
- No new problems Thursday; today's Problems still due Sunday
- but if you submit them tonight I will try to get you feedback by Thursday.
- P2: if you haven't formed a pair yet but would like to, go ahead; don't let the scary bold text about team formation deadline frighten you.
- Know how to resample images using forward and inverse warping (and why the latter is usually preferred)
- Know how to implement bilinear interpolation
- Be prepared to implement the full panorama stitching pipeline, including:
- Warping images into a common coordinate system
- Blending them with a simple linear falloff near the edges
- (576) Know align a 360° spherical panorama using a translational motion model:
- (576) Know how to warp images onto a sphere and why they can be aligned using translation
- (576) Know how to correct for drift to stitch a seamless 360 panorama
# boilerplate setup
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
import os
import sys
src_path = os.path.abspath("../src")
if (src_path not in sys.path):
sys.path.insert(0, src_path)
# Library imports
import numpy as np
import imageio.v3 as imageio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import skimage as skim
import cv2
# codebase imports
import util
import filtering
import features
import geometry
Throwback Tuesday¶
Why did we add a ninth free parameter ($k$, the bottom right element) when solving for a homography, even though there are only 8 degrees of freedom?
What I know so far:
- Some valid homographies have a 0 in the bottom-right
- There's a numerical stability argument
What I haven't figured out:
- What do these homographies with 0 in the bottom right mean? Would you ever encounter them?
- If you feel like thinking about this and get anywhere, let me know!
Context: Panorama Stitching Overview¶
- Detect features - Harris corners
- Describe features - MOPS descriptor
- Match features - SSD + ratio test
- Estimate motion model from correspondences
- Translation
- Affine
- Projective
- Robustness to outliers - RANSAC
- Warp image(s) into common coordinate system and blend
- Inverse warping
- Blending
- 360 panoramas
Warping: Forward and Inverse¶
See whiteboard notes.
Forward warping:
for x, y in src:
x', y' = T(x, y)
dst[x', y'] = src[x, y]
Inverse warping:
Tinv = np.linalg.inv(T)
for (x', y') in dst:
x, y = Tinv(x', y')
dst[x', y'] = src[x, y]
Bilinear Interpolation¶
A reasonable way to sample a floating-point pixel value from the four surrounding known pixel values.
First: linear interpolation.¶

Next: bilinear interpolation¶
Three equivalent interpretations:
- Weight using a tent filter centered at $(x, y)$
- Weight each corner by the area of the rectangle opposite it.
- Linearly interpolate along 2 parallel sides, then linearly interpolate again between thsoe points.

Other interpolation schemes¶
Homework Problem 1¶
- Complete the following function with Python-esque pseudocode (or working code in the lecture codebase), which performs inverse warping with nearest-neighbor sampling in the source image.
def warp(img, tx, dsize=None)
""" Warp img using tx, a matrix representing a geometric transformation.
Pre: tx is 3x3 (or some upper-left slice of a 3x3 matrix). img is grayscale.
Returns: an output image of shape dsize with the warped img"""
H, W = img.shape[:2]
# turn a 2x2 or 2x3 tx into a full 3x3 matrix
txH, txW = tx.shape
M = np.eye(3)
M[:txH,:txW] = tx
# set the output size to the input size if not specified
if dsize is None:
DH, DW = (H, W)
DH, DW = dsize[::-1]
out = np.zeros((DH, DW))
# your code here
return out
Start with nearest-neighbor interpolation, and test with the progressively more interesting test cases below. Once you have that working, you can try implementing bilinear interpolation if time allows.
Test case:¶
y1 = imageio.imread("../data/yos1.jpg").astype(np.float32) / 255
y1 = skim.color.rgb2gray(y1)
h, w = y1.shape
tx = np.eye(3)
tx[:2,2] = [10, 20] # translation only
tx[0,1] = 0.1 # add a shear
tx[2,0] = 0.0005 # add a perspective warp
util.imshow_gray(geometry.warp(y1, tx))
Context: Panorama Stitching Overview¶
- Detect features - Harris corners
- Describe features - MOPS descriptor
- Match features - SSD + ratio test
- Estimate motion model from correspondences
- Translation
- Affine
- Projective
- Robustness to outliers - RANSAC
- Warp image(s) into common coordinate system and blend
- Inverse warping
- Blending
- 360 panoramas
Panorama Stitching Pipeline - Overview¶
with some blending details thrown in
(see whiteboard notes)
Somewhere in there:
Homework Problem 2¶
Suppose you are stitching a panorama with three images $I_1, I_2, I_3$ and you've fitted transformations $T_{12}$ and $T_{23}$ that map coordinates from image 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3, respectively. Give the transformation that maps points from image 3's coordinates to image 1's coordinates.
Homework Problem 3¶
Give a strategy (describe, or write pseudocode) for finding the corners of the bounding box of a given image img
after it has been warped using a homography T