CSCI 301 L31 Notes

Lecture 31 - Notes



Pushdown Automata

These notes are a bit sparse - see the book for a much more thorough presentation

Where regular languages are defined as those accepted by a DFA, we defined context-free languages in terms of their describing grammars. There is, however, an automaton whose power is equivalent to context free languages: a pushdown automaton (PDA). Informally, a PDA is more or less an NDA that has the additional capability to keep notes on a stack.

Let \(M = (\Sigma, \Gamma, Q, \delta, q)\), where

Decoding the \(\delta\) gibberish, our transition function takes:

Computation and Acceptance

The machine starts with:

A step of computation takes as input the current state, current tape symbol, and the symbol on the top of the stack. In response, the transition function provides:

Termination: The machine terminates when the stack is empty.

Acceptance: The machine accepts a string if the tape head is on the \(\square\) symbol at the time of termination.

Rejection: The machine rejects a string if the tape head is not on the \(\square\) symbol on termination or the machine never terminates.

Nested Parentheses

Here’s a PDA that accepts strings with properly nested parentheses; for example, it should:

For typographic clarity, we’ll replace \((\) with \(a\) and \()\) with \(b\). So the above accepted examples would be:

Let \(M = (\Sigma, \Gamma, Q, \delta, q)\), where

and \(\delta\) is defined as follows:

\(q_{in}\) Tape in Stack in \(q_{out}\) Move? Stack out Commentary
\(q\) \(\square\) \(\$\) \(q\) N \(\epsilon\) Input is empty; accept
\(q\) \(a\) \(\$\) \(q\) Y \(S\) First character is an \(a\)
\(q\) \(b\) \(\$\) \(q\) N \(\$\) First character is a \(b\); reject by never terminating
\(q\) \(a\) \(S\) \(q\) Y \(SS\) Open paren, increase nesting level
\(q\) \(b\) \(S\) \(q\) Y \(\epsilon\) Close paren, decrese nesting level
\(q\) \(\square\) \(S\) \(q\) N \(S\) End of string with nonzero nesting; reject by never terminating

Nondeterministic PDAs

As above, except \(\delta : Q \times (\Sigma \cup \square) \times \Gamma \rightarrow \mathcal{P_f}\left( Q \times \{R, N\} \times \Gamma^*\right)\), where \(\mathcal{P_f}\) denotes all finite subsets of its argument.

As with NFAs, if there is any way to reach the accepting configuration

Example: A PDA accepting odd length strings with \(b\) in the middle position.

The basic idea here is like the \(a^nb^n\) machine, except that there needs to be a point where we see a \(b\) and switch from the start state (representing “we are in the first half of the string”) to a second state (representing “we are in the second half of the string”). By making the machine nondeterministic, we can have a rule that sees a \(b\) and either switches states, or continues reading input in “first half” mode. Then, th