CSCI 301 L23 Worksheet

Lecture 23 - Exercises

Part A - The Language Accepted by a FA

Consider again the following DFA over alphabet Σ={0,1}:

Which of the following strings are accepted by this machine?

  1. 1

  2. 00

  3. 001

  4. 10101

  5. 100

  6. 1000

  7. Describe (informally, in English) the language accepted by this machine.

Part B - DFA Design

Draw a diagram for a DFA that accepts each of the following languages over the alphabet {a,b}.

  1. L={a}
  2. L={ab,abab,ababab,}
  3. L=
  4. L={ϵ}

Draw a diagram for a DFA for each of the following languages over Σ={0,1}:

  1. L={w:|w| is even}
  2. L={w:w ends with a 1}