Exercises - Lecture 8
For the first two problems, consider the following five structures,
which can be referred to by the label of their root elements (A through

- Which of the above are trees?
- Which of the above are binary trees?
For all remaining exercises in this set, refer to the tree pictured

- What’s the root of G’s right subtree?
- List the ancestors of F.
- What’s C’s parent?
- List the nodes at depth 1?
- List the nodes that are the root of a subtree of height 0.
- What’s the height of the tree rooted at G?
- What’s the depth of node D?
- Write the nodes in the order they are visited by a
pre-order traversal.
- Write the nodes in the order they are visited by a
in-order traversal.
- Write the nodes in the order they are visited by a
post-order traversal.