- Git, gradle, etc: if you’re not comfortable with the
development/testing workflow, address that now.
- Labs are the officially supported development environment. We can’t
promise to get things working on your personal machine. That said:
install java 17, and gradle 8 and you should be good to go.
- On mac, this can look something like:
- Install homebrew: https://brew.sh/
brew install openjdk@17
brew install gradle@8
- On windows, this looks something like:
- Install Ubuntu 22.04 under WSL
sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk
sudo apt-get install gradle
- How was lab? How’s A1 going?
- Survey themes:
- Videos are helpful
- Recursion and big-O are sticky points
- Quiz 1 - some comments arising from #5:
- The spec says what the method does/returns.
- Don’t include a redundant postcondition.
- Don’t include a postcondition instead of a spec.
- Spec should talk in terms of the parameter variable names
- Preconditions: needed to handle null and empty cases; these aren’t
the same!