- Thanks for filling out the survey!
- My office hours are scheduled:
- M 1-2
- W 3-4
- F 11-12
- email me to set up an appointment outside these hours if needed
- As a reminder, please come visit my office hours to say hi sometime
in the next week.
- Your first lab is on Wednesday of next week. Before lab, please make
sure you have a github account. If you don’t have one already, you can
sign up at https://github.com/signup.
- The link to the lab handout on the course webpage is currently
broken, but it will go live by Wednesday. (This is true of future labs
and assignments as well).
- Should I make a Discord server?
- Some notes on how to succeed in this
class. These are also linked from today’s row of the schedule
- Daily announcements like these will also be linked from the Schedule
table. If you have to miss class, please review them to make sure you
haven’t missed anything.
Plan for today:
- Quiz 0 (10 minutes)
- Announcements (<5 minutes)
- Exercise solution sets (10 minutes)
- Problems (25 minutes)