Winter 2025
Testing is an important part of software development. It is done to assess whether a software product will properly serve its intended purpose. Many different parties are involved in testing over the lifetime of a software product, and there exist many different methods of software testing. This lab focuses on unit testing, which aims to assess the correctness/usefulness of individual components of a larger program. In other words, each test checks that a small “unit” of the system works as intended. The unit to be tested may be a class, a method, or even a particular usage of a method. The correctness of each individual unit in a larger program can be thought of as a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for the program to work. Testing individual units can also make it much easier to locate and fix bugs.
Writing tests is hard work. Often, writing a good unit test is harder than writing the unit to be tested. However, writing tests is worth it: finding and fixing subtle bugs can take boundless amounts of programmer time, and uncaught bugs can be exceedingly expensive. For this reason, many major software companies require tests to be written for any new functionality introduced into production code.
In this course, we will be using JUnit, a widely-used testing framework for Java. JUnit provides functionality to write and run tests that make assertions that verify that code behaves the way we expect it to. For A1, you have been given a test suite (a collection of unit tests) to verify that your sorting methods work correctly. The test suite relies on several helper methods that check properties of arrays; your task in this lab is to implement these helper methods, implement insertion sort, and verify that your insertion sort method passes all its tests.
For this lab, you will be working in your A1 repository. If you have
not yet accepted the Github Classroom invitation, find the link on
canvas and clone your repository as per the instructions for A1. You
will submit your code for this lab by committing and pushing the changes
to your
remote A1 respository on GitHub.
It is recommended that you commit your changes regularly, at least once per method you implement. When you have something working, push your changes to GitHub.
Gradle knows how to compile and run JUnit tests. The standard
location for test code in a gradle project such as ours is
; all A1 classes live in the
package, so you’ll find
contains a number of methods preceded by
the @Test
directive, which tells JUnit that they are test
cases that should be run as part of the test suite. Each test case makes
one or more assertions using methods like assertTrue
, to check that code behaves as expected. The
test cases for A1 have been provided for you, but they call helper
methods that you must implement for them to work.
To check that a sorting method has done its job correctly, the resulting array must have two properties:
The resulting array is sorted.
The resulting array has exactly the same elements as the original.
Below all the test cases, you will find stubs (i.e., method headers
with missing implementation) for the methods that you need to implement
to make the tests work correctly. This includes two methods that check
the above two properties for sorted arrays, and one method that is used
in tests for the partition
helper method for quick
Important: all of the A1 unit tests depend on the
methods you implement in this lab. If your
helper methods are not correct, the A1 unit tests will not correctly
test your sorts. Subtle bugs here can result in tests passing despite
buggy A1 code; as such, you should thoroughly convince yourself that
these methods are correct before relying on them.
Though they may initially appear to add extra hassle, in the end the unit tests provided to you should make debugging easier. For this to be the case, you need to know what to do when a test fails. This section gives you a rundown of some of the debugging techniques that you can use, and how to accomplish them in the context of the projects in this course. Even if you don’t encounter any tricky bugs while implementing the functions for this lab, you should try out the following steps so you know how to use them in future assignments.
When you have code that you think should be working, you can execute
all the tests using gradle test
. If your main source code
or test code is not compiled, gradle will automatically run make sure
the code is compiled before the tests are run. If all the tests pass,
you’ll get a list of Task
s that were run followed by a
message that says Build Successful
. If any tests fail
(which, unless you’ve implemented all of the sorts correctly, some
should at this point), you’ll get a message saying that the build failed
because some of the tests did not pass.
Before writing any code, try this out—you should find that none of
the tests pass, and the stack traces show that they fail because the
helper methods below all return false
In the projects for this class, tests are named with both numbers
that sort them roughly in the order you should pass them, as well as
descriptors that say what method(s) they test. For example, the first
test you should expect to pass in A1 is test00Insertion
When multiple test are failing, it’s highly recommended that you debug
the lowest-numbered failing test before moving on to further tests.
So you have a unit test failing but it’s not immediately obvious why your code isn’t correct. Here are some strategies for narrowing down where to look for the bug:
Check the specification of the method that fails the test. Are there cases you’re not handling?
Open the test file (e.g.,
) and find the specific
test method that’s failing. Read and understand this method and
any helper methods it calls. What functionality is this
particular test checking?
Look at the stack trace output from gradle. Which exact line of the test case is failing? What assertion was being made? Look further down the stack trace - which part of your code was being called by the test case that failed?
If you’re iteratively debugging and re-running the tests, it can
be annoying to wade through the stack traces for all the rest of the
tests you aren’t working on yet. You can tell gradle to only run a
single test (or a subset of tests) using the –tests
flag. A
couple examples of this might look like:
gradle test --tests "SortsTest.test00Insertion"
run only the test00Insertion
gradle test --tests "SortsTest.test*Insertion"
the wildcard *
to run all tests that match the given
pattern—in this case, all five tests for Insertion sort.
At this point, you understand what’s being tested, you understand what exact assertion is failing, you’ve looked at your code and you still believe the assertion should pass. Somehow, your understanding of what’s going on in the code differs from the reality of what’s going on. For me, this is the point where I start checking my assumptions.
My favorite way to do this is to print out information that tells me
about the program state and see if it matches your expectations.
Depending on the situation, it may make sense to put debugging print
statements in the code being tested, or perhaps in the test code itself.
Either way, I strongly recommend using the –tests
filter to
run the one specific test you’re working on and avoid getting more
debugging output than you bargained for.
When you’ve learned what you need to learn, be sure to take out the print statements to avoid gumming up your output.
For each of the methods you need to implement, see the specification in the code for details of how it should behave.
Implement isSorted
, which checks whether an array is
Implement public static boolean sameElements
, which
checks whether two arrays contain the same elements. Hint: use a
(which is a lot
like a Python dictionary) to keep track of how many times each value
appears. The easiest way to find documentation on the HashMap class (or
any other java class) is by googling “java 8 HashMap”
You may find the following HashMap
methods useful:
put(K key, V value)
get(Object key)
containsKey(Object key)
remove(Object key)
At this point, if you have not written the
method in, you should do so now.
Feel free to refer back to the pseudocode developed in lecture.
Run gradle test
and make sure the tests for
insertionSort pass. Debug your code until your code passes all the tests
with “Insertion” in the method name. Keep in mind that bugs may reside
in insertionSort
or in the test code itself. Use the
information in the stack trace to help you out.
Implement public static boolean isPartitioned
, which
checks whether the array has been correctly partitioned around a given
“pivot” element. This is used by the methods that test the QuickSort
method. You’ll need to make sure that this is implemented correctly
without the help of any unit tests.
Make sure you have committed and pushed both
(with insertionSort
other sorts need not be done until you submit A1) and
to your A1 repository on github.
This lab is worth 10 points. The three helper methods in are worth 3 points each, and at least an attempt at implementing insertionSort is worth 1 point. You are not strictly required to have all the insertion sort tests passing to get credit for this lab, but it’s recommended. Insertion sort’s correctness will be graded as a part of A1.
Deductions may be made for:
Submission issues
Compile or run-time errors when running tests
Poor coding style (e.g. commenting, indentation, variable naming, etc.)
Thanks are owed to Tanzima Islam, Qiang Hao, Brian Hutchinson, Filip Jagodzinski, and others for producing and refining past labs from which this lab was adapted.