Winter 2025
The purpose of this lab is to give you basic familiarity with some of the tools we’ll be using in this class, namely git and gradle.
Git is a version control system that is used to keep track of changes you make your code. We will use git in conjunction with Github, a web-based service that hosts git repositories.
A git repository is a place where your code lives. The internal data
needed to track versions of your code is stored in a hidden folder
(called .git
at the base directory (“root”) of your
repository, but you don’t need to worry about that - you’ll use the
command-line tool to work with the version control
system. Github hosts a remote copy of your code on their
servers, which other people (e.g., me when I go to grade your work) can
access and create separate copies of (“clone”).
The basic workflow for using git and Github is to (1) make some changes to your code, (2) commit those changes to the repository to put them in the official record of version history, and when you’ve reached a stopping point, (3) push to Github to update the hosted repository to reflect the changes you’ve committed to your local repository (“repo”, for short). When you’ve followed this workflow and gradually made changes over time, git makes it easy to move forward and backward in history, for example to roll back to an old version of your code to find a version before a bug was introduced.
Gradle is a build system that is used to take care of a lot
of the logistics of building, running, and testing your code. It was
created for Java, but it can be used for many languages. Once things are
properly set up (we’ll largely take care of this for you in this
course), you compile your code with javac
and run it with
, but instead use commands like
gradle build
and gradle test
to compile, run,
and execute tests on your code.
Keep in mind, this lab is just getting you started; you are not expected to become an expert in all the nuances of these tools yet—expertise will come with time and experience. The goal here is to get you ready to work on future labs and assignments.
Complete the following steps.
Assignments in this class will be done in GitHub repositories orchestrated by GitHub Classroom. Log into Canvas, find the Lab 1 assignment, and click the GitHub Classroom invitation link found there. You will need to log into your GitHub account if you haven’t already.
Once you have accepted the GitHub Classroom invitation, you will be given a link to your repository for this assignment. This link should be in the form of:
You should be able to click this link and see the repository on GitHub.
The git repository now exists on GitHub’s servers, but you still
need to clone a local copy of the code so you can work
on it. You will need to choose a location for the local lab1 repository
and working copy. You may choose whatever location you like; here we
will assume you choose ~/csci241/
. Note that the
indicates that the csci241 directory lives inside your
home directory (usually /home/username
, on linux
systems), which is where you should be when you open a new terminal
window. To create this directory, type mkdir csci241
. Enter
the directory using the cd command: cd csci241
. You can
list the contents of the directory (it should be empty) using
Create a working copy of your code by cloning the repository from GitHub. You can copy the command from the green button that says "clone or download" on GitHub, or type it yourself:
# replace username with your github username
git clone
This should clone the repository into a new directory called
, which you should now see if you type
. Move into this directory with the cd
command (you’ll need to change this to reflect your username):
cd lab1-username
A command line pro tip: if you type cd lab1-
and then
press tab, the shell will autocomplete the remaining name of the
directory (assuming there’s only one that starts with what you
Before you use Git commands for the first time, you need to tell it a little bit about yourself. You’ll only need to do this once for each computer you use git on. Change directory into your freshly cloned repository and run the following commands, supplying your full name and email address:
# sub in your name
git config --global "Your Name Goes Here"
# replace username w/ your wwu username
git config --global
Now you will a writeup file and tell git to track it (that is, include it in your repository). Note that spelling, spacing and capitalization matter in the following commands:
touch writeup.txt
git add writeup.txt # run "git help add" for details
This git add
does two things: 1) it begins “tracking”
and 2) it “stages” the changes to the file (in
this case, its creation) so it will be incorporated in the next
Note that the git
command must be run from somewhere
(anywhere) inside your repository.
Commit your changes to the local repository:
git commit -m "Added empty writeup"
The text in quotes is the commit message; aim for it to be concise
yet specific. Bad commit messages include
"Made some changes"
, "stuff"
, and
"more edits"
. At this stage your changes have been stored
on the local repository but not in the “remote” repository stored on
Github. You can confirm this by browsing to the Github URL for your
You should see that writeup.txt is not listed among the files on GitHub.
To synchronize your local repo with the version on GitHub, push your changes from the local repository to the original one:
git push # sometimes it wants you to be more specific: git push origin main
Now refresh the Github URL, and you should see the
Edit writeup.txt
, so that it contains the line
1) First Last
where you replace First Last
with your first and last names.
Stage these changes for commit:
git add writeup.txt
While writeup.txt
is already tracked, this will stage
the change.
Commit your changes:
git commit -m "Added part 1 (names) to writeup"
git status
lets you know the status of your working
copy and local repository. Run the command and see what it reports. Now
edit writeup.txt
again, adding the line
2) Hobby: XYZ
where you replace XYZ
with a
hobby of yours. Check the status after making this edit. Check the
status again after git add
ing the writeup. Check the status
again after committing, and then again after pushing.
Learn your way around the following commands (use
git help
or search the web for details). Be sure to try out
each command at least once and get familiar with how they work.
git checkout
and git reset
to undo a
change to a file
git rm
to delete a file from the repository
git mv
to rename a file (if you move writeup, move
it back after)
git blame
to see who edited which lines
git log
to see your commit history
git diff
to see unstaged changes to a local
git diff
to see changes between two different
committed versions of writeup.txt
Here’s a few recommended tasks:
After making sure your writeup.txt
is committed,
delete its contents and save it. Then recover the last committed version
of the file using git checkout
Create a new file and commit it. Rename it using
git mv
, commit, then git rm
the file and
commit again.
Make a change to writeup.txt and run git diff
to see
the latest changes, then use git diff
with arguments to see
the difference between the last committed version and the commit before
you added the hobby to your writeup.
Make sure that by the end of playing around with those commands your
is back to being named writeup.txt
and contains the two lines described above.
Read through Git’s documentation on branching and merging, which you can find here.
Create a branch named song
and checkout that new
branch. Edit your writeup.txt
to add the line
3) Favorite song: ABC by XYZ
where you replace
with the track name of your favorite song and
by the artist/band of the song. Add and commit your
change to the branch, then merge the changes into the main
branch. Normally, you’d delete a branch after you’ve merged it into main
in order to keep the repository from getting too messy. In this case, go
ahead and leave this branch. Sometimes, you’ll just use a branch in your
local copy and the remote (github) repo never needs to know. However, if
you are working on a branch and, say, need to collaborate with someone
else on that branch, you’ll need to sync up your local branch with a
corresponding branch on the remote copy. To do this, you’ll need to
issue the following command:
git push --set-upstream origin song
What’s happening here? You’ve seen git push
Here, we’re telling git that we want to push the local song
branch to the origin
remote repository, and since the
branch doesn’t already exist up on the remote copy,
tells git to set up a branch on the remote
that tracks with your local branch; this way, next time you
git push
, git will know to push your local
branch to the corresponding one on github.
In this class, we’ll be writing our code in java. To facilitate the process of compiling, testing, and running code, we’ll be using a build tool called Gradle. This replaces the command line workflow (using javac to compile and java to run) or the build-and-run functionality provided by IDEs.
Note: even if you’re using an IDE, I strongly
recommend against using its build/run functionality. Use
from the terminal instead as described below. I
cannot help you solve configuration problems with your IDE.
Your repository already contains the directory structure used by
Gradle to keep track of source code and compiled programs. You will find
a file called in the app/src/main/java/lab1/
directory. This file contains a Java implementation of the canonical
“Hello, World" program.
Whereas you may be accustomed to compiling and running programs
directly using the javac
and java
commands, we
will instead use Gradle to compile and run the program for us. Gradle
needs to be run from the project root directory or the app
directory, so make sure your terminal is there. Then, you can run the
Hello World program with the following command:
gradle run
If the code hasn’t been compiled yet (or has been changed since it was last compiled), gradle will automatically compile it for you before trying to run the program.
Edit app/src/main/java/lab1/
, modifying
the program to print the contents of the 0th command-line argument
instead of “world”. Recall that the args
parameter to the
main method contains the command line arguments passed to a Java
Run your modified code and see if it works as expected. To pass
command-line arguments to your program via gradle, use the
flag as follows:
gradle run --args="your args here"
A sample invocation of the modified program should look something like this:
$ gradle run --args="241"
> Task :run
Hello, 241!
2 actionable tasks: 2 executed
Stage, commit, and push your changes to
git add app/src/main/java/lab1/
git commit -m "Hello now prints command line arg"
git push
In this final section, you’ll make one final modification to your
main program, and learn how to run unit tests in the
process. A unit test is a piece of code that verifies that some small
part of your program’s code behaves as expected. We’ll talk more about
unit tests in the next lab, but for now you’ll learn the basics of
running and debugging using unit tests in gradle. Our goal in this
section is to make one more modification to the Hello world program so
that instead of “Hello”, it prints the time-appropriate greeting “Good
morning”, “Good afternoon”, or “Good evening”. Notice that there’s a
method in
called getGreeting
currently just returns "Good morning"
. If you’re working on
this in the morning, that’s the correct behavior!
I’ve written some unit tests for you to make sure that all of the
cases are covered correctly. If you open the file
, you’ll find that it
contains three methods that pass different LocalDateTime
objects to the getGreeting
method to make sure it gives the
correct response. You can run these tests using gradle by entering the
command gradle test
. When you do so, you should find that
your code currently fails two of the three tests, giving you a helpful
message, the relevant part of which looks something like this:
lab1.HelloTest > test01afternoon FAILED
org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<Good [morning]> but was:<Good [afternoon]>
at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
at lab1.HelloTest.test01afternoon(
lab1.HelloTest > test02evening FAILED
org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<Good [mor]ning> but was:<Good [eve]ning>
at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
at lab1.HelloTest.test02evening(
3 tests completed, 2 failed
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file:///Users/wehrwes/Documents/2220/241/skeletons/lab1/build/reports/tests/test/index.html
From this, we can see that two of the three tests failed. Furthermore, you can see the stack trace including the specific line of each test that failed, which can be immensely helpful for debugging.
Modify the getGreeting
method to change the greeting
based on the LocalDateTime
object passed as an argument to
the method. The documentation for this class can be found here:
When you’re done, re-run gradle test
and see if your tests
pass. If a test is still failing, find the line that’s triggering the
test failure to see if that gives you any insight into what’s going
wrong. Debug your getGreeting
method until it passes all
three tests.
The unit tests are intentionally focused on just the
method; the behavior of your main program
should be unchanged up to this point. Now that you know
is correct, use it in your main program to
print the appropriate greeting in place of “Hello”. For instance, as I
write this around 2:30pm, entering gradle run –args "241"
on the command line results in my program printing
Good afternoon, 241!"
You can get a current LocalDateTime
object using the
method. Use
gradle run
to check that you get the correct output for the
current time of day. You won’t be able to test the rest of the cases
unless you wait a while, but that’s why we had unit tests—to make sure
all the cases are handled correctly. As usual, commit and push your
changes to github when you have things working.
Make sure that you’ve followed all of the steps above, all of your
latest changes are committed to your repository (check this using
git status
), and push your submission to github. In this
and every other git-based assignment in this course, that’s all you have
to do! We’ll clone your code from github and provide you with feedback
in the “Feedback” pull request (see the syllabus for details on how to
view your feedback).
This lab is worth 10 points, assigned as follows:
git log
git blame
contains name, hobby, and song as
passes the three unit
prints the appropriate greeting
followed by the 0th command-line argument, followed by “!”This lab is based on materials developed and refined by Tanzima Islam, Brian Hutchinson, Filip Jagodzinski, Qiang Hao, Nicholas Majeske, and several past TAs.