Lecture 4 - Announcements

  1. A note about A1: The unit tests depend on Lab 2 (writeup is linked from the course webpage). The recommended order to do things is:

    You can also test insertionSort by writing some code to “manually” test your sort in the main program (SortsDriver), but the unit tests are probably more thorough, so switch to those as early as possible.

  2. In A1: Some IDEs complain when the package name (package sort) does not match the directory structure (src/main/java/sorts or src/main/java/a1). This has been fixed in the most recent version of the skeleton, but if you accepted the assignment before yesterday morning yours may not match.

    Even if they don’t match, it shouldn’t cause problems when running Gradle from the terminal as you’ve been instructed to do. That said, you should be able to safely git mv app/src/main/java/a1 app/src/main/java/sort (and likewise for app/src/testto get your IDE to stop complaining.

    Don’t change the package name in the declaration in the source files - this will break everything when I test your code.

  3. I changed the schedule a little to move the first Buffer Day back - L09–L11 have moved one class earlier.