Lecture 19 - Announcements /
- Midterm exam grades are almost done - aiming to release this
- Final exam - Monday 3/13 3:30-5:30pm, here.
- This will be a paper-based exam that may include true/false,
multiple choice, short-answer, and small programming problems (i.e.,
problems whose solutions require no more than a page of handwritten
- You will be allowed one double-sided sheet of handwritten notes. No
computers, phones, other notes, etc.
- “How to succeed in this class” from the L01
notes is still my best advice. Adding to that: practice solving
(low-numbered) Problems on paper.
- I aspire to get you some (more) practice exam material sometime next
- Class next week: attendance not required. Material
covered will not be directly tested on the exam, except perhaps as extra
- Monday: searching (digging into Problem 4 from today)
- Wednesday: Sorting
- Friday: Ask Me Anything
- Today:
- Announcements
- E19T
- 12:25-35: Discuss Exercises and Problems if time
- 12:35-: Course Evaluations