Which of the following belongs in a function’s docstring? List all that apply.
Consider the following function:
def print_squares(n):
""" docstring missing! help! """
= 0
i while i < n:
+= 1
i print(i, i**2)
return i**2
The function prints the square of each number from 1 through
The function uses a while
The function returns the square of n
The function returns the square of i
The function uses a counter variable called
Consider the following program, noticing that several points in
the code are marked with comments (e.g., M1
Important: the markers refer to the lines they’re
on, not the lines following them.
# M1
def a(v1, v2):
# M2
= v1 + v2
v3 # M3
# M4
4, 6)
a(# M5
through M5
) is
in scope? List all that apply.M1
through M5
) is
in scope? List all that apply.Consider the following program:
def print_rectangle_area(width, height):
""" Print the area of a width-by-height
rectangle. Pre: width and height are numbers. """
= width * height
area print(area)
= 4
w = 3
h = w * h
a print_rectangle_area(w, h)
Which of the following could replace the last line of the program and leave its behavior unchanged? List all that apply.
print(width * height)
print(w * h)
print_rectangle_area(h, w)
What does the following program print?
def f(x):
3 * x)
def g(x):
print(x + 2)
4) f(
What does the following program print?
= 4
def f(x):
return 3 * x
def g(x):
return x + 2
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