Special announcement from Katie Christensen! CS mentoring
program. More details at the website here: https://cs.wwu.edu/cs-mentoring-program
Faculty candidate teaching demo today, Fri 1/27 4pm CF 316:
Kritagya Upadhyay
- Title: Introduction to Computer Security, Common Security Threats
& Mitigation Strategies
- Abstract: Computer Security is the protection of computer systems
and information from unauthorized use, harm, and theft. Computer
security has become progressively important as it protects individuals
and organizations against cyber threats and the loss of valuable data.
In this talk, a short introduction to the fundamentals of computer
security will be provided that includes Vulnerability-Threat-Control
paradigm and CIA Triad. Additionally, common security threats and the
essential cybersecurity measures will also be discussed briefly.
Two more candidates / four more talks next week - last candidates
for now!
- Mon 1/30 Hanxiang Du - Research (Educational Data Mining, Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning in Education)
- Tue 1/31 Hanxiang Du - Teaching Demo
- Thu 2/2 Czilard Vajda - Research (machine learning/data
science/etc.; wine quality esimation?)
- Fri 2/3 Czilard Vajda - Teaching Demo
A1 is due tonight at 10pm! Reminders:
- You have 3 slip days. Use these before emailing me to ask for an
- All you need to do is submit late; slip days are applied
Week 3 Feedback is in - 111/125 responses -
thanks for filling it out!
Late responses accepted by the end of today.
I’ll be analyze the data, read your responses, and discuss the
feedback in class Monday or Wednesday of next week.
A pretty encouraging histogram: