Winter 2023
For this assignment you will write a Python program that draws a Sierpinski Triangle using a method called a “chaos game”. A chaos game is an example of what’s called a zero-player game, so called because we set things up a certain way to start, and the “game” unfolds deterministically based on a set of rules - there are no players involved.
The chaos game is played as follows. The user specifies the window size (say \(300\) by \(300\) pixels). Denote the three corners of a triangle \(1,2,3\), where corner \(1\) is at the top center of the screen, corner \(2\) is in the lower left of the screen, and corner \(3\) is in the lower right of the screen.
First, a corner of the triangle is chosen at random. Then, at each step of the game, a dot is drawn at the midpoint between the current location (where the prior dot was drawn) and a randomly-chosen corner of the triangle. Here’s some pseudocode to help you understand how the chaos game works:
p = a random corner of the triangle
loop 10000 times:
c = a random corner of the triangle
m = the midpoint between p and c
choose a color for m
color the pixel at m
p = m
This process will generate a Sierpinski Triangle like the one
pictured below.
You are provided with two skeleton code files: and The
file contains some code to help get you
started, including a function that sets up the Turtle graphics window
for our somewhat nontraditional turtle use case. Read through the
skeleton code. You need not understand every detail of the code I’ve
written, but you must carefully read and understand the
specification for the turtle_setup
function: this takes care of creating a turtle,
resizing the window to the desired dimensions, and several other details
that I don’t want you to have to write the code for. Your code should
call turtle_setup
function before beginning the chaos game
iterations, and proceed to use the turtle it returns to do all your
pixel coloring.
The turtle_setup
function changes the window so its
coordinate system now has (0,0) at the bottom left corner (instead of
the default, with (0,0) in the center. The positive \(x\) axis points right and positive \(y\) axis points up, so the top left corner
is at (0, canv_height
), the bottom right corner is at
(canv_width, 0
), and the top right is at
(canv_width, canv_height
). This helps to simplify the math
when locating corners of the triangle. The setup function also calls
tracer(0, 0)
, which you may recall disables automatic
re-drawing of the canvas. This means that to get your picture to show
up, you need to call turtle.update()
yourself. For the sake of speed, I recommend re-drawing the picture only
every 100 or every 1000 iterations so the drawing doesn’t take too
In this program, we’re not really using turtles for what they were
meant for. Instead of drawing lines as the turtle moves, we’ll use the
turtle to color individual pixels on the canvas. Turtles draw as they
move, but they can also stamp shapes, such as circles and dots; we’ll
make use of the aptly named dot
method. To fill in a pixel,
all you need to do is move the turtle to that pixel, then draw a dot of
size 1. If nothing shows up when you use a dot size of 1 (this seems to
happen on some Windows systems), using a dot size of 2 is also fine.
When the turtle draws via movement with the pen down, or via other
methods such as dot
, the color it draws is determined by
the turtle’s current color. You can change the turtle’s current color
using the (again, aptly named) color
method. One way to
specify colors is using various standard color names
("red", "green", "purple"
, etc.). A more flexible way is to
specify how much red, green, and blue you want: some combination of
these three primary colors can represent all colors that your screen can
display. When storing images on computers, we typically store each R,G,
and B value using a single byte (8 bits). That means a color is
represented by three numbers from 0 to 255, which is the maximum number
representable using 8 bits. For instance \((255,0,0)\) is red, \((0,255,0)\) is green and \((0,0,255)\) is blue. Furthermore, \((255,255,255)\) is white and \((0,0,0)\) is black.
In the figure on the first page, you can see that the colors of the pixels are related to their coordinates. If you simply followed the pseudocode at the top of this document, but chose black for the color every time, then you’d have a black and white version of the Sierpinski triangle. Once you have that working, you should figure out how to make the triangle prettier. The color scheme used in the example above chooses each color value based on the distance from one of the corners. In particular, the red color scales from 255 to 0 based on distance from corner 1, the green scales with distance from corner 2, and blue scales with distance from corner 3. You may choose a different scheme, but your colors should have the following properties:
Colors appear in a smooth gradient across the triangle
Each corner should have a value of 255 for one of the “base” colors (red, green, and blue)
The farthest point from a given corner should have a value of 0 for that corner’s color
A corner that is closer than the farthest point does not necessarily have zero. For example, the bottom left corner of the 100x300 sample output does not have blue value 0, because it’s a lot closer than the top corner.
My coloring scheme is based solely on distance from the corner; other approaches are ok too, as long as the above requirements are met.
This is not too difficult in a square window but you need to be a little more careful in a rectangular window (when the width of the window is not equal to the height of the window).
This may seem like a big problem to solve all at once; in fact it is. A good strategy for tackling a big problem is to turn it into a collection of small ones: break the problem down into small pieces, write functions to solve each piece, then put them together into a solution to the full program.
In L12B, I wrote a midpoint
function. This will come
in handy, so I’ve included in the skeleton.
I included the pseudocode for the chaos game in the skeleton file. This is a handy way to keep track of your overall program structure: start with pseudocode and piece-by-piece fill in code that accomplishes each of the steps. Because each step has some complexity to it, I recommend defining a function that takes care of the details of each step. That way, the code in your main program will end up corresponding fairly closely to the lines of the pseudocode, and it will be easy to understand.
Based on the pseudocode, decide what functions you’d like to have
in order to make the algorithm easy to implement. In my solution, I have
almost one-to-one correspondence between functions and lines in the
pseudocode. To give one example, to choose a color for the point
, I have a choose_color
function. It takes a
point and the three corners and calculates the RGB color values based on
distance of the point from each of the colors. This function in turn
makes use of another function that calculates the distance between two
Instead of immediately starting to code each function you’ve decided to write, try this instead: write out the specification (docstring) for the function. This means deciding what the function takes as arguments and what it returns. Once you have this, try sketching out the code for the chaos game, using the functions (even though you haven’t written them yet!). In doing this, you may discover changes that you want to make to your function specifications—make them now so you don’t have to rewrite the code.
Now, go implement each of your functions. Start with the ones
that will be needed to draw the triangle in black. After finishing one
function, test it. Use the interactive shell and/or put
code in your main program that checks whether the code does what you
expect it to. For example, to test my choose_color
function, I first tried passing in each corner: I made sure the top
corner gave me \((255, 0, 0)\) back,
and so on for all three corners. Then I tried the bottom middle point on
the canvas, because it’s easy for me to calculate that its blue and
green values should be about 128 (it’s equidistant from the green corner
and the blue corner). Then test the center point - its RGB values should
all be equal because it’s equidistant from all three corners.
Finally, turn your sketch of the overall chaos game algorithm into real code that uses your functions to draw the Sierpinski triangle. Make sure it works with different square window sizes first (e.g., 200 by 200, 300 by 300). Then try testing it with unequal width and height (e.g., 200 by 300).
In past assignments, we’ve mostly been testing our entire program at once. As our programs get more and more sophisticated, it becomes increasingly difficult to test and debug an entire program at once, because there are simply too many places a bug could be. It’s always a good idea to test as small a piece of code as possible so bugs are easier to find. Now that we’re breaking our program into smaller functions that solve individual pieces of the problem, we can test each function independently of the rest of the program.
You have been provided with a second skeleton file called
. In this file, I’ve written two
functions so far. The check_equal
function checks two
values for equality and prints a message saying whether the test case
passed (if the values are equal) or failed (if they are not equal). The
function tests whether the
function, imported from
, works correctly given several different sets
of inputs1
For this assignment, I’d like you to write a function similar to
that thoroughly tests one of the functions
you write in
. You may write tests for a
function of your choice, or for multiple functions if you wish. In my
solution, some of my functions do not return values but have effects,
such as drawing something with a turtle. These functions are not so well
suited to this style of testing. You can still test such functions using
the interactive shell and/or by writing small programs—it’s just less
straightforward to write code that tells you whether the test passed or
failed. Your tests should follow these guidelines:
The test function’s name should match the name of the
function it tests, but prefixed with
Your test function should make use of the
function for all of its output.
The tests should be as thorough as possible. The easiest way to come up with test cases is to work out (on paper, or in your head) the value you expected for a given set of inputs, then then verify that your function gives that value.
You should add a call to your test function at the bottom of
inside the main guard.
I defined three variables in my main program that hold the coordinates of the three corners, since the corner coordinates are needed in several places. The functions that do calculations involving corners need to take the relevant corners as parameters.
Drawing a black and white triangle is a great first step. I recommend choosing black as the color for all pixels to ensure the geometry is all working correctly before getting into the color logic.
The midpoint function we wrote in class used tuples to pack the coordinates of points together into a single argument / return value. This is a design decision, and you may choose to use this approach in your functions or not. For example, my function that colors a certain pixel a given color has the following header:
color_pixel(turt, point, color)
where point
is expected to be a 2-tuple
point = (x, y)
, and color = (r, g, b)
is a
3-tuple of the RGB color values. I could also have written it
color_pixel(turt, px, py, r, g, b)
but I think it’s slightly cleaner to pass points and colors to functions as tuples.
How solidly filled in your triangle is depends on how many
iterations of the chaos game you run and how large your canvas is. A
smaller canvas has fewer pixels to fill in, so fewer iterations will
make a more solid picture, but it will have lower resolution. A large
picture requires more iterations but has higher definition. Feel free to
experiment with running more iterations to get larger, higher-definition
triangles, but please turn in code that runs 10000 iterations
and runs in less than 5 seconds. To keep things fast, remember
that you can choose how often to call turtle.update()
; for
maximum speed, call it once after all your iterations are complete. The
images below show what you can expect your drawing to look like with
10000 iterations for a few different canvas sizes.
Here’s a 200x200 output:
Here’s a 100x300 output:
Here’s a 200x100 output:
Please make sure your program follows these guidelines:
Your code should run 10000 iterations of the chaos game and run in under 5 seconds.
Your functions should not directly make use of (refer to) any global variables. Any information a function needs to do its job should be passed into the function as a parameter.
Your code should do all the drawing (i.e., color all pixels) with
the Turtle
object returned by the setup function. Don’t
create any additional turtles.
Each of your functions, and the main program, should not be too
long. Not counting comments, docstrings, and blank lines, my main
program (the part in the if __name__ == "__main__":
is just under 20 lines and each of my functions is less than 10 lines.
If you find yourself writing a continuous block of code that’s longer
than about 30 lines (not counting comments and blank lines), think about
how you could break it up into logical subtasks and write functions to
accomplish each one.
Your functions and variable names should be descriptive but not
overly long. For example, your corner 1 variable should probably not be
called c1
, nor should it be called
. Somewhere in between
is best.
Take a screenshot of the drawing produced on a canvas with
width = 130, height = 310, and name it
. Submit triangle.png
, and
to the
A4 assignment on Canvas. As usual, please fill out the A4 Survey.
This assignment is worth a total of 80 points.
Submission Mechanics (8 points)
shows a screenshot of your
program’s result on a 120x300
program runs in under 5
seconds.Code Style and Clarity (32 points)
Correctness (30 points)
Testing (10 points)
contains a test function
for at least one of your functions, named as prescribed.check_equal
to print
the result of each of your test
.Take a look at the following web page:
. There you can
see how what we’re doing here is just one specific case of a general
idea. The general idea is you can have triangles, squares, pentagons,
hexagons, etc. And you when you choose a random corner and find the
midpoint you could instead find the point that is \(1/3\) of the way to the corner, or \(3/8\) of the way to the corner, etc. Make a
copy of your main assignment program in a file named
. In this file, implement the following
def chaos_game(canv_width, canv_height, poly_sides, ratio):
""" Run a chaos game on a canvas with size (canv_width, canv_height)
with n = poly_sides (i.e., a poly_sides-sided polygon)
and r = ratio (i.e., fraction of distance from the corner)
This challenge may require usage of material we haven’t covered in
detail (for example, lists will likely come in handy to store the
corners of the polygon). If you are trying to tackle this and encounter
any problems, come talk to me and I’d be happy to help. Successful
completion of the challenge problem is worth 5 points of extra credit.
on Canvas.
I’m assuming you’re using the version we developed in class, so if you’ve modified it (e.g., to take individual arguments instead of tuples), you’ll need to modify my test code to call it correctly.↩︎